Rattlesnake Fish Tape 100Ft -Rattlesnake Fish Tape is perfect to use around live wires and circuits.Rattlesnake Fish Tape 100Ft features include: #1 Rated Fish Tape in the Market because Easiest Pull, Most durable, High Load Rating, Non-Conductive, No Rust, No Corrosion and No Kinks Twisted Oblong Shape and Composite Material Significantly Reduce Friction Snags and will not Kink or Rust Non-Conductive High Impact Storage Case Large Nylon Handle for Maximum Durability, Long Life, and Easy Use Comfortable Slip Resistant Gripping Surface Fish tape Diameter: 5/32" Tensile Strength: 660 Lbs Maximum Load: 570 Lbs Heavy-Duty Winder Case amp; one piece Nylon Handle for Maximum Durability, Long Life, and Easy, Comfortable Use Order Qty of 1 = 1 Piece Below is more info on our Rattlesnake Fish Tape 100Ft